Navy SEAL Finally Takes Revenge On Porch Thieves

Published on March 16, 2023

Totally Effective

Arthur’s device is a clever and effective deterrent against package thieves, but he can’t help but wonder if it’s legal. He doesn’t want to get into trouble with the law, even if he believes his actions are justified. He decides to do some research to make sure he’s not breaking any laws by using his device.

Totally Effective

Totally Effective

Technically Illegal

According to state law, it is illegal to construct explosive devices without a proper license, which raises concerns about the legality of Arthur’s “Boom Box.” The police have expressed their disapproval of his creation. A police spokeswoman named Loretta Cool said:  “Even though it’s a blank, the way the device is made is actually illegal. If the would-be package thief is hurt in any way, the homeowner would be responsible.”

Technically Illegal

Technically Illegal