Navy SEAL Finally Takes Revenge On Porch Thieves

Published on March 16, 2023

Is It Also A Crime?

Cool continued: “Even more than him crossing the line, I’m not sure if people realize that, even though this person is stealing something, he can’t intentionally set them up to be hurt.” She even went on to say that the trap itself could be a crime, but it would be up to the thieves to lay the criminal charges, but as you might imagine, then they’d be implicating themselves too. That’s probably why that hasn’t happened.

Is It Also A Crime?

Is It Also A Crime?

He Claimed It’s Safe

Arthur insists that his device, nicknamed the “Boom Box,” is completely safe despite its intimidating appearance. He claims to have conducted numerous tests, including using a ripe tomato as a substitute for a potential thief, to ensure that it won’t cause any harm.  He said in an interview: “It never hurt me once. It didn’t hurt the tomato in there either.” Despite this, authorities are not convinced and have warned against creating explosive devices without a proper license.

He Claimed It's Safe

He Claimed It’s Safe