Casting Failures, Mess-ups, and Fumbles – The Many Issues Casting Directors Have

Published on February 13, 2022

Kevin Costner – Robin Hood

While Kevin Costner has many acting roles to applaud, it was a misfire for him to dress up in tights to be the legendary woodsman. Though he tried to combine various characters to create his own, he also forgot he was supposed to act. Most critics gave it a thumbs-down.

Kevin Costner - Robin Hood

Kevin Costner – Robin Hood

Ryan Reynolds – Hal Jordan

Hollywood is wild for superhero films now, but Green Lantern was a poor showing overall. Martin Campbell, the director, wanted the energy and oomph of Robert Downey Jr. but got a wooden performance from Ryan Reynolds. While he was a great Deadpool, he couldn’t cut it as the Green Lantern.

Ryan Reynolds - Hal Jordan

Ryan Reynolds – Hal Jordan