Casting Failures, Mess-ups, and Fumbles – The Many Issues Casting Directors Have

Published on February 13, 2022

Russell Crowe – Noah

Noah was the film adaptation of a classic Bible story that many waited for. However, there were odd additions, silly special effects, bad acting, and many other issues. Crowe is a white man from New Zealand playing Noah, and it didn’t jive.

Russell Crowe - Noah

Russell Crowe – Noah

Sofia Coppola – Mary Corleone

Most people agree that the first two Godfather movies were part of filmmaking history, but Godfather III just sucked the energy from the storyline. Sofia was the daughter of Francis Ford Coppola (the director) and was killed before the third act. It goes to show that it’s “who” you know!

Sofia Coppola - Mary Corleone

Sofia Coppola – Mary Corleone