The World’s Oldest Photos Help Shred Light on the Rare Side of History

Published on November 9, 2020

The First Picture of a Seated President

The earliest daguerreotype image of a seated U.S president depicts William Henry Harrison. The president died on the 4thof April, 1841. His death came after being in office for only 30 days. The reason for his death was a possible case of pneumonia.

The First Picture Of A Seated President

The First Picture Of A Seated President

The Oldest Surviving Picture of a U.S President

This image captures John Quincy Adams, who was in office and served as the president of the US between 1825 and 1829. The picture was taken in March of 1843 by Philip Haas in his studio located in Washington, DC.

The Oldest Surviving Picture Of A U.S President

The Oldest Surviving Picture Of A U.S President