The World’s Oldest Photos Help Shred Light on the Rare Side of History

Published on November 9, 2020

France’s Uprising

This image depicts quickly-made barricades situated around the Rue Saint-Maur that’s located in Paris. The image was taken on the 25thof June, 1848, during what was later called the June Days uprising. The uprising was a workers’ rebellion against the French government, who was trying to curtail a public works project.

France’s Uprising

France’s Uprising

The Oldest Image of Human Conflict

This image depicts an American general named John E. Wool, along with his staff traveling through Saltillo, Mexico. It was taken after his troops captured the city in the American-Mexican war. This war continued between 1846 and 1848, but the image was captured in early 1847.

The Oldest Image Of Human Conflict

The Oldest Image Of Human Conflict