Wife Instantly Regrets Hiding Under Bed After Attempting to Spy on Her Husband

Published on March 22, 2021
It’s no secret that a healthy relationship works best when it’s built on trust. Despite a few exceptions, relationships need to at least have a baseline of trust. If this baseline doesn’t exist, it’s destined to fail from the very moment that it starts. Even the most stable relationships can end when trust is lost. Misconceptions can cause grave decisions that spiral out of control. This is particularly what happened when a woman decided to take matters into her own hands. She immediately regretted her decision after hiding under her bed. Continue reading to find out what transpired between this husband and wife.

Meet Mark and Kelly

Kelly was 30 years old when she was living together with her husband Mark. The couple had known each other for 10 years and had been happily married for nine of those 10 years. Kelly was happy with her marriage but she still had doubts.

Meet Mark And Kelly

Meet Mark And Kelly

The Meeting

The pair first met at a local bar on a night out. Kelly went to join her group of friends but there was another friend group that Kelly wasn’t familiar with. However, there was one person that Kelly was eager to get to know.




A Challenge

The person that Kelly was desperate to know what her future husband, Mark. From the moment she saw him, she knew that he was the one. However, there was one massive problem getting in the way of the pair uniting.

A Challenge

A Challenge


Someone Else

The challenge between Kelly getting to know Mark was that he was already dating someone else. This person was one of Kelly’s friends named Nadia. Kelly had known about the relationship but had never met Mark. However, something changed when she set eyes on Mark.

Someone Else

Someone Else


Breaking Them Up

Mark and Nadia had been in a relationship for two years when Kelly met the man and the couple seemed content with one another. Nonetheless, this didn’t stop Kelly because she knew that she wanted Mark and was willing to go through whatever extremes.

Breaking Them Up

Breaking Them Up


Kelly’s Way

Kelly began texting with Mark frequently. From her planning, she understood that she would need to put a lot of effort into her conversations with Mark. Everything was going smoothly and Mark was replying as she wanted, but it seemed too easy.

Drama,Concept, ,Gloomy,Young,Blond,Woman,Crying,With,Big

Kelly’s Way


Wanting Him for Herself

It seemed like Mark wasn’t as happy as he seemed to be in his relationship with Nadia. It only took a week of texting and calling to meet up again. However, it was only the two of them this time.

Wanting Him For Herself

Wanting Him For Herself


A Betrayal

Although Kelly’s plan was working, she was still struggling with the idea of stealing Nadia’s boyfriend. She understood that this was likely to end their friendship forever. However, Kelly had subconsciously made her decision the night she had laid eyes on Mark.

A Betrayal

A Betrayal


A Night Together

Kelly made sure that Mark had one of the most fantastic nights of his life the day that they met up. She wanted him to herself and was willing to do whatever it took. She convinced Mark to break up with Nadia after several more dates.

A Night Together

A Night Together


The Break-Up

Nadia was felt hurt and confused when Mark broke up with her. She didn’t understand why this was happening. They had never had a serious argument or fight, so the breakup was very sudden. She demanded that Mark tell her the reason.


The Break-Up


Everything on the Table

Mark told Nadia everything, which felt her feeling destroyed. She was furious that Kelly had done such a thing. Nadia begged Mark not to leave her but his mind was made up. She began cursing at him and wished him a terrible relationship with Kelly.

Everything On The Table

Everything On The Table


A Good Relationship

Mark and Kelly’s new relationship was blossoming as they spent their first few months together. They were enjoying everything about each other and soon started living together. However, it still wasn’t going fast enough for Kelly. She still wanted more from Mark.

A Good Relationship

A Good Relationship


Getting Married

Kelly was only going to be happy once she was married to Mark. She wanted to make him hers forever and sooner rather than later. However, Mark wasn’t sure about this. He didn’t envision himself getting married at such a young age.

Getting Married

Getting Married


Convincing Mark

It became Kelly’s mission to convince Mark to marry her, which she achieved after a couple of weeks. The couple got married after almost a year of meeting. Mark was happy marrying Kelly even though he had his doubts. It’s clear that he had fallen head over heels for Kelly.

Convincing Mark

Convincing Mark


A Change in Behavior

After being married for two years, Mark started noticing changes in Kelly’s life. She initially seemed to be okay with everything Mark did, she began being more resistant to his plans, especially if these plans involved other people. Something wasn’t right.

A Change In Behavior

A Change In Behavior



Something that was known by Mark was that Kelly was a deeply anxious and jealous person. She was always fearful of Mark running off and being with another woman. It wasn’t like she was overthinking as it had happened before.





It wouldn’t be the first time that Mark cheated on his significant other. Even though it hadn’t happened yet to his wife’s knowledge, it didn’t mean that he wouldn’t do it. She was the person Mark cheated on when he was dating Nadia after all.




Getting Worse

In the beginning, these thoughts only came to Mark’s wife sporadically. It might have been possible that Mark was meeting up with his friends or held back late at work. However, these thoughts quickly started consuming her and she was constantly questioning her husband’s actions.

Getting Worse

Getting Worse


Consumed with Fear

Kelly quickly became more consumed with the fear of her husband cheating on her. It became a horrible cycle that she lived each day. Due to the couple’s first contact, she was in constant fear that he would try to find someone else.

Consumed With Fear

Consumed With Fear


Smothering Mark

The thoughts that became circulating Kelly’s mind caused her to hold onto him even tighter. It looked like Mark was losing all of his freedom and he was quickly becoming sick of it. He was used to being able to do whatever he wanted and his wife’s actions were causing a problem.

Smothering Mark

Smothering Mark


No Longer

Kelly’s lack of trust was seriously affecting her relationship with her husband. Mark was snapping at Kelly more often and they were getting into arguments almost daily. Mark understood that this couldn’t continue for much longer. Kelly wasn’t helping the situation.

No Longer

No Longer


A Night Alone

Mark decided that it would be best if he got a night to himself to clear his mind. Because of this, he asked Kelly if he could go out that night with his friends. Kelly was perfectly okay with his request, but she had one condition.


A Night Alone


On Her Terms

Kelly was fearful that Mark wasn’t going to meet his friends, so she decided to make a condition. She would allow her husband to meet his friends, but only if they meet at the couple’s house. However, this wasn’t what Mark wanted.

On Her Terms

On Her Terms


An Idea

Mark wanted to avoid this because Kelly would still be at the house, which he didn’t want. Kelly refused to let him go under any other condition. They discussed it for a while, but it ended with Kelly saying she needed to think about it. That’s when an idea came her way.

An Idea

An Idea


Leaving for the Night

Kelly told Mark that she wouldn’t be home that night, so he could go ahead and invite his friends to the house. She would be staying over at a friend’s house and that he would have the freedom to do whatever he wanted to do.

Leaving For The Night

Leaving For The Night


Taking Up the Offer

Mark was surprised to hear Kelly’s idea, but he jumped at the offer. He would finally get the time he had wanted. He knew that he needed to take the offer before Kelly decided to change her mind about it.

Taking Up The Offer

Taking Up The Offer


The House to Himself

Both Mark and Kelly decided that Mark would have the house to himself on Friday. Mark was shocked because Kelly hadn’t constantly asked him what he planned to do with his friends. She seemed to be avoiding the topic, which was worrying for Mark.

The House To Himself

The House To Himself


Lacking Proof

Mark had previously told his wife that he was going to spend the night with his friends, but he needed to show Kelly proof of this. He was afraid that she would ask to see the messages he had sent his friends about the boys’ night.

Lacking Proof

Lacking Proof


Not the Boys

The problem was that Mark didn’t have this proof because he wasn’t planning on meeting the boys. Instead, he was using it as an excuse to free himself from Kelly. However, Kelly never asked to see any proof, which was a relief.

Not The Boys

Not The Boys


Not Going Anywhere

Kelly was behaving completely out of character. She didn’t seem to care much about what Mark was planning. However, this was because Kelly had her own plan that she hadn’t shared with her husband. She had been planning this all along and wasn’t going anywhere.

Not Going Anywhere

Not Going Anywhere



Kelly was convinced that Mark wasn’t going to be having the boys over at the house. Instead, he was going to have a woman come and spend the night. Kelly had never seen any evidence of this, but she had her suspicions.




Needing Proof

Kelly understood that it would be impossible for her to get her husband to admit that he was cheating. It was for this reason that she was going along with Mark spending the night alone. Her goal was to catch him in the act.

Needing Proof

Needing Proof


Thinking She Had Left

The couple had planned that Kelly would supposedly leave for her friend’s house while Mark was at work. Mark would come home to an empty house, or so he believed. However, this wasn’t the case as Kelly would be hiding close by.

Thinking She Had Left

Thinking She Had Left


Under the Bed

Kelly was still home when Mark came back from work. She was hiding in the best place possible. Hiding under the bed would be the easiest way for her to catch her husband in the act. It was now a waiting game.

Under The Bed

Under The Bed


Coming Home Early

Mark came back from work easier than usual. A thousand alarm bells rang in Kelly’s head when her husband arrived back at this time. Although she was angry, she wanted to wait for what she needed until she could properly confront him.

Coming Home Early

Coming Home Early


Not Preparing for Guests

After Mark arrived at home, Kelly could barely hear any noise. There were only soft noises that Mark was making while he was doing normal things around the house. There wasn’t any indication that he was getting ready to entertain guests.

Not Preparing For Guests

Not Preparing For Guests


The Doorbell

Two hours had passed and it was now eight o’clock when the doorbell eventually rang. She had been hiding under the bed for this entire time, but she luckily had her phone to pass time. However, she could swear that she heard a female voice.

The Doorbell

The Doorbell


The Voice

Kelly decided to move from under the bed and went closer to hear more clearly. She instantly recognized the voice. It was Nadia and the conversation being discussed was very personal. However, they weren’t alone. They were talking about Kelly.

The Voice

The Voice


The Man’s Voice

Kelly was furious that her husband is speaking to other people about her. However, her ears quickly spring to life when she notices the man’s voice. It was her dad, and the woman’s voice was actually her mother’s. Kelly was confused by the entire situation.

The Man’s Voice

The Man’s Voice


Mark’s Conclusion

Mark spoke about Kelly’s paranoia and his wife finally understood what she was doing. She began crying loudly at this revelation, which shocks the group because they believed her to be at a friend’s house. It was clear that something was wrong and everyone was willing to help Kelly get better.

Mark’s Conclusion

Mark’s Conclusion