You Probably Never Knew About These Amazing Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide

Published on November 13, 2022
Most people have many things tucked away in cabinets, but hydrogen peroxide could just be the most useful item you have. In fact, the product is now a staple in most households because of all the ways you can use it and benefit from it. Though the primary use for this substance is cleaning cuts, there are countless alternatives for utilizing hydrogen peroxide in nearly every room of the house. You might not have considered it before, but hydrogen peroxide isn’t just for first aid anymore.

What else can hydrogen peroxide do for you? Here are the options we’ve found!

Ordinary Use for Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is considered a mild antiseptic. It’s often used to prevent infections from minor burns, cuts, and scrapes on the skin. Simply put the substance on the affected area and let it release the oxygen within.

Ordinary Use for Hydrogen Peroxide

Ordinary Use for Hydrogen Peroxide

Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide

You may not know it, but hydrogen peroxide isn’t just used to prevent infections and clean wounds. You can make a mouthwash with it, and there are many other ways to utilize this amazing substance. Some are unexpected and unique!

Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide

Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide


Fights Bad Breath

A mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide can be an effective cure for various oral problems. Bad breath is one of those issues. The substance kills all sorts of bacteria, but it can also fight gum disease and prevent odors in the mouth.

Fights Bad Breath

Fights Bad Breath


Give Metal an Antique Look

Moving away from the body for a minute, hydrogen peroxide can work as an oxidizing agent. Therefore, you can turn copper and brass products into objects that look antique, rusty, or unique.

Give Metal an Antique Look

Give Metal an Antique Look


Remove Dead Bugs from Your Car

Online forums for small plane and car enthusiasts often offer home remedies to help you remove dead bugs from the vehicles. One option is to use hydrogen peroxide and dryer sheets. Spray it on, wipe it off, and protect your vehicle’s shine.

Remove Dead Bugs from Your Car

Remove Dead Bugs from Your Car


Clean the Interior of the Car

When it comes to car upholstery, there are plenty of online methods for cleaning. However, a very effective option is a mixture of warm water, hydrogen peroxide, white vinegar, and dish soap. Remove those soda stains and anything else!

Clean the Interior of the Car

Clean the Interior of the Car


Get Skunk Smells off Pets

If your pet spends much of its time outside, it’s likely to get close to a skunk sooner or later. Animals often get sprayed by the black-and-white creatures, and the smell is horrendous. Hydrogen peroxide can help you get rid of that odor!

Get Skunk Smells off Pets

Get Skunk Smells off Pets


Remove Stains from Marble

Unsealed marble can stain easily, and coffee is the worst culprit. However, you can remove them by mixing flour and hydrogen peroxide to create a paste. Apply it directly to the surface, let it sit  for 24 hours, and wipe it off. You may have to repeat the process.

Remove Stains from Marble

Remove Stains from Marble


Remove Armpit Stains

Everyone has shirts with those yellow stains in the armpits, and it’s quite common but annoying. Hydrogen peroxide can remove them from white T-shirts. Mix one-part dish soap with two parts hydrogen peroxide, put it on the stain for an hour, and wash as normal!

Remove Armpit Stains

Remove Armpit Stains


Clean Your Pool

Chlorine is often aggravating to the skin, and a natural solution for pool maintenance is crucial. Hydrogen peroxide can clean your pool without the irritation. Make sure you buy concentrated and food-grade hydrogen peroxide (at least 35 percent).

Clean Your Pool

Clean Your Pool


Cleaning Scorched Pots

If you’ve accidentally scorched your cookware or have burnt food on the surface, hydrogen peroxide is your best friend. Just sprinkle in some baking soda, add hydrogen peroxide, and use a balled-up piece of aluminum foil to scrub it clean!

Cleaning Scorched Pots

Cleaning Scorched Pots


Clean Grout

Hydrogen peroxide can clean floor grout easily. Create a paste with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to do so. We recommend letting the mixture sit for a bit and then wiping it away with a cloth or scrubbing with a toothbrush.

Cleaning Grout

Cleaning Grout


Freshen Your Retainer

If you wear a retainer, you know how nasty it can get. A great solution here is to mix peppermint oil, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide together to disinfect it and give it a fresh scent. You don’t have to use essential oil, but it smells nice!

Freshen Your Retainer

Freshen Your Retainer


Whiten Your Teeth

Hydrogen peroxide can eliminate bad breath, but it’s also cost-effective for whitening your teeth. There’s no need to go to the dentist or use those weird gloppy trays. Either swish hydrogen peroxide and water around the teeth or use a toothpaste brand with the substance in it.

Whiten Your Teeth

Whiten Your Teeth


Whiten Your Fingernails

Since hydrogen peroxide whitens teeth, it’s no stretch to say it could do the same for your fingernails. Most people recommend using it with warm water to get rid of yellow stains from cigarette smoke or nail polish.

Whiten Your Fingernails

Whiten Your Fingernails


Replacement for Bleach

Many people have skin sensitivities, and they need a gentle alternative to harsh bleach. Hydrogen peroxide might be the best idea. You can use it in the laundry by adding a cup of it to your whites to brighten the material.

Replacement for Bleach

Replacement for Bleach


Using Hydrogen Peroxide in Laundry

Hydrogen peroxide can brighten your white clothing, but it does more. Colored clothing materials often get dull because of detergent residue that gets trapped between the fibers. You can use hydrogen peroxide to get rid of those elements.

Using Hydrogen Peroxide in Laundry

Using Hydrogen Peroxide in Laundry


Remove Odors from Clothes and Towels

Smelly towels and stinky socks are out there, and they’re horrid. You probably have some of them right now and don’t know how to get rid of the odor. Hydrogen peroxide in the laundry can help solve that problem!

Remove Odors from Clothes and Towels

Remove Odors from Clothes and Towels


Kills Outdoor Pests

Pests can ruin your garden and make you feel like you wasted your time. Instead, spray some hydrogen peroxide on the soil and plants to keep those pesky microbial pests away. It’s a great solution and is safe for the environment.

Kills Outdoor Pests

Kills Outdoor Pests


Disinfect the Keyboard

Did you know that a keyboard is about 20,000 times dirtier than your toilet seat?! That’s crazy. However, hydrogen peroxide can eliminate the germs on it and make keyboards safe to use. Simply spray some on a Q-tip or old toothbrush and wipe the surface keys.

Disinfect the Keyboard

Disinfect the Keyboard


Cleaning Makeup Brushes

If you regularly use makeup, you know how expensive it can get to buy all those brushes. However, it’s tiring to clean them all the time. Make life easier by creating a solution of one-part water and one-part hydrogen peroxide to clean your tools!

Cleaning Makeup Brushes

Cleaning Makeup Brushes


Replace Deodorant

You can use hydrogen peroxide as deodorant, which is more natural and still prevents odor and perspiration. Just wipe some over the armpits to kill bacteria. It’s better for your body and cheaper, too!

Replace Deodorant

Replace Deodorant


Fix Cracked Heels

If you’ve got hard calluses on the feet or cracked heels, hydrogen peroxide can return them to their former softness. There are many online remedies that include this substance. Effortlessly smooth away those rough edges!

Fix Cracked Heels

Fix Cracked Heels


Clean Your Drains

Hydrogen peroxide has bacteria-fighting properties, so it can keep your drains clean and running smoothly. Pour a cup of baking soda down your drain. If it’s clogged, wait about 10 minutes. Then, add one cup of hydrogen peroxide down and follow that with hot water!

Clean Your Drains

Clean Your Drains


Cleaning Produce

Those bacteria-fighting properties available from hydrogen peroxide can also help you clean fresh produce. The components that make up the substance create a cleaning agent to remove pesticide residue from vegetables and fruits!

Cleaning Produce

Cleaning Produce


Replace Your Dishwashing Detergent

Are you tired of purchasing rinsing agents, or do you wish for a natural alternative to dishwashing detergent? Hydrogen peroxide is your answer. Mix it with other household ingredients and get cleaner dishes without the residue!

Replace Your Dishwashing Detergent

Replace Your Dishwashing Detergent


Lightens Hair

Many women have used this handy tip, and it’s an incredible way to lighten your hair. To do it, you simply create a paste made of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, apply it to your hair, and let it sit for a while. It will become blonder!

Lightens Hair

Lightens Hair


Brighten Your Bathroom

We’ve already mentioned that hydrogen peroxide can whiten many objects. Therefore, it makes sense to use it to brighten up your bathroom fixtures. These include tubs, sinks, and toilets, but use it to wash everything if you want!

Brighten Your Bathroom

Brighten Your Bathroom


Remove Blood Stains

Blood stains are hard to remove, but the components within hydrogen peroxide make it so much easier to get rid of them. Just add a small amount of hydrogen peroxide to that blood stain and watch it bubble the mess away!

Remove Blood Stains

Remove Blood Stains


Making Elephant Toothpaste

Hydrogen peroxide isn’t only used for brightening and cleaning items. You can even use it for science craft projects! Combine highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide with some dry yeast, dish soap, and warm water to amaze the kids!

Making Elephant Toothpaste

Making Elephant Toothpaste


The Oxygen Release

When you put hydrogen peroxide on the affected area, it releases the oxygen within. That causes a foam to appear, and that can remove dead skin cells and clean the area. Therefore, you reduce the risk of infection.

The Oxygen Release

The Oxygen Release


Where You Shouldn’t Use Hydrogen Peroxide

While hydrogen peroxide is beneficial in most cases, you shouldn’t use it in certain situations. For example, if you have deep wounds, animal bites, or severe burns, it’s best to go to the doctor or hospital for treatment.

Where You Shouldn't Use Hydrogen Peroxide

Where You Shouldn’t Use Hydrogen Peroxide


Safety Precautions

When you use hydrogen peroxide, it’s best to follow the directions on the product’s packaging. Make sure you don’t get it in your eyes and don’t use it on large areas of the body. Likewise, you should always clean the affected area first.

Safety Precautions

Safety Precautions


Get the Best Results

If you use hydrogen peroxide on wounds, you should only apply a small amount to the affected area. Then, repeat the process up to three times per day, or ask your doctor how often to use it. Finally, let the area fully dry before bandaging it.

Get the Best Results

Get the Best Results


The Hydrogen Peroxide Mouth Rinse

You can relieve minor mouth irritations, such as canker and cold sores, or gingivitis, by using hydrogen peroxide. It also gets rid of excess mucus. Just mix up equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water to create a mouth rinse that’s cheap and easy to use.

The Hydrogen Peroxide Mouth Rinse

The Hydrogen Peroxide Mouth Rinse


Get the Best Mouth Rinse Results

Once you’ve mixed up equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and water, swish the solution around in the mouth for at least one minute. Spit it out into the sink, making sure that you don’t swallow it. Repeat the process one to four times a day!

Get the Best Mouth Rinse Results

Get the Best Mouth Rinse Results


The Side Effects

Typically, hydrogen peroxide doesn’t sting or burn, but it can lead to redness, burning, and irritation. If the effects persist or worsen, call a medical professional. Most people who use this product don’t have any issues, and it’s rare to have severe allergic reactions.

The Side Effects

The Side Effects


Allergic Reactions

While it’s rare to get a severe allergic reaction when using hydrogen peroxide, it can happen. Therefore, if you notice itching or swelling of the face, tongue, or throat, it’s wise to get immediate medical attention at your local hospital’s ER.

Allergic Reactions

Allergic Reactions


Hydrogen Peroxide Overdoses

Hydrogen peroxide is harmful if swallowed. Therefore, you should never drink it! If you or someone else did so and have severe symptoms, such as passing out or trouble breathing, it’s wise to call an ambulance or go directly to the hospital.

Hydrogen Peroxide Overdoses

Hydrogen Peroxide Overdoses


Storing Hydrogen Peroxide Properly

The hydrogen peroxide bottle should have storage information on it. Make sure you read that carefully. You should also ensure that you don’t flush it down your toilet or pour it down a drain unless you’re using it to clear a clog.

Storing Hydrogen Peroxide Properly

Storing Hydrogen Peroxide Properly