The Face of Happiness: Rescue Dogs Going Home To Their New Families

Published on November 5, 2020
Rescue dogs are known for being some of the most loving animals in the world. These dogs dedicated their lives to their new families that gave them a home. It isn’t hard to understand why this is. These rescue dogs have lived a life where they weren’t loved or cared for. That’s why they are known to be so fiercely loyal to the owners that give them a home filled with love and care. For this reason, it’s no surprise that rescue leaves the shelter with grinning smiles as they go home to their new families.

A Camera-Ready Smile

This beauty of a doggo is just an overload of cuteness as he is seen to be leaving with his new owner. The smile on his face is very appropriate to his name, Kodak. That smile is definitely a camera-ready smile. This smile tells a story of getting a second chance at a happy life.

A Camera Ready Smile

A Camera Ready Smile

A Thankful Pup

This sweetheart of a dog is the picture of happiness as his new dad takes him in his arms and out of the shelter. It’s incredible how dogs can sense when they are going to a loving and caring home.

A Thankful Pup

A Thankful Pup


Switching Roles

This poor puppy looks to be comforting the crying boy who is over the moon to be getting a new addition to the family. It seems as though this puppy is switching roles and actually petting the crying boy. We guess the doggy learnt from his human companions.

Switching Roles

Switching Roles


A Woman’s Best Friend

This elderly lady decided that she wanted a friend to cure her loneliness. This was the perfect doggo for her because a puppy would have been too playful for the lady to keep up. From the smile on the woman’s face, we can tell that she made the right decision.

A Woman’s Best Friend

A Woman’s Best Friend


Hugs and Attention

Hugs And Attention

Hugs And Attention

It’s far too common for people to walk into a shelter and find dozens of newborn puppies. For this reason, many older dogs don’t get new homes. However, this wasn’t the case for this handsome guy who was showered with hugs and attention.


A Trip to the Park

Dogs in the shelter don’t get to experience a day at the park. That could be the reason that this doggo was so exhausted after having an exciting day at the park. He wore himself out while playing with his new family.

A Trip To The Park

A Trip To The Park


Some Old Buddies Getting Together

This isn’t the only case of a senior wanting to adopt a dog that would match his chilled-out temperament. These characteristics were found in a golden oldie named Gus, and the man had found his companion as soon as the staff took Gus out of his kennel.

Some Old Buddies Getting Together

Some Old Buddies Getting Together


A Lap Dog

Shelter dogs don’t get much affection when they are put in shelters. It seems this little guy is making up for lost time and sleeping in the arms of those who show him love and affection. It’s no wonder why many shelter dogs become lap dogs.

A Lap Dog

A Lap Dog


Puppy Love

This photo is the epitome of cuteness. It’s the perfect example of ‘puppy dog eyes’. The sheer cuteness displayed in this puppy’s face is a lethal weapon that can cause the owner to do anything and everything for him. Would you if you got a look like that?

Puppy Love

Puppy Love


A Happy Pit

Pit bulls really know how to show that they are happy and this Pit bull is no different. This incredible photo shows this as it’s all smiling around while he’s next to his loving family. Judging from the owner’s hold on the dog, it seems he feels the same way.

A Happy Pit

A Happy Pit


Licking Love

Dogs love to show their appreciation by licking. It seems that this cute, little puppy is more than appreciative as she adorably licks her owner’s nose. The dog mommy doesn’t look to have any reservations and is enjoying this loving moment.

Licking Love

Licking Love



It’s incredibly common for older dogs to be passed up for a younger, cuter, and more vibrant dog. This makes it difficult for these older dogs to get adopted, but when they do, it’s a very special moment. These moments are quite like a rebirth for the dog.




A Thankful Stare

It really takes a short glance for a dog to display precisely what they’re feeling. The way this pup is looking at its owner is no different. You can see in her eyes how thankful she is to and how she has no intention of leaving her owner’s side.

A Thankful Stare

A Thankful Stare


Doggos Bring Joy

It’s very rare to see any law enforcement officers show their softer sides. However, this cute little pup turned this officer into a real softy. The officer rescued the little creature, and it seems as though the dog rescued the officer’s heart in return.

Doggos Bring Joy

Doggos Bring Joy


Cuter and Cuter

It’s hard to believe that this cute little dog is actually reason. So much cuteness in one being almost seems illegal. However, this is the adorability you can expect to receive from a pup that’s truly happy in his new home.

Cuter And Cuter

Cuter And Cuter


A Hug Attack

This is the usual sight that most dog owners’ witness when coming home from a day at work or a long weekend away. This particular dog has only been with his new family for a couple of weeks and obviously grew so attached to his owner that he was so excited when he finally came home.

A Hug Attack

A Hug Attack


Wake Up Time

Alarm clocks are annoying and are often through against a wall of the clock owner isn’t a morning person. However, we fail to see anyone throwing this adorable alarm clock against a wall. This tiny puppy offers a sweet kiss on the nose to wake their owners up.

Wake Up Time

Wake Up Time



Both the dog and the new canine companion can hide the pure excitement and joy that they are each feeling at this moment. These expressions were caught as the doggo was being taken to his new forever home. It’s such a lovely sight.




Doggie Photoshoot

This doggo is a real poser. It’s almost as if someone had told him to look over his shoulder. It doesn’t really matter if this picture is staged or not. All we know is that it’s so adorable. He is the picture of happiness.

Doggie Photoshoot

Doggie Photoshoot


Double the Cuteness

It’s hard to believe that this picture was actually taken. The cuteness from the little girl and cuteness from the little doggie is truly overwhelming. We can only imagine what this girl was thinking when she finally got her dream dog.

Double The Cuteness

Double The Cuteness


A Colgate Smile

No, this isn’t an advertisement for Colgate, but it definitely could be. This poor doggo named Rex had a really terrible first owner who treated him badly. Poor Rex was forced to wear a shock collar. It’s a good thing he’s in a happy home now.

A Colgate Smile

A Colgate Smile


Dog Parents

This little cutie met her new parents after an animal control unit in Detroit brought her in. She was later taken to an adoption event where Kasey Blauwkamp and his fiancé laid eyes on her and the rest was history.

Dog Parents

Dog Parents


Car Safety

There aren’t any rules for how a dog should ride in a car. This is unlike the case for children. However, what if your dog is like a child to you. Well, for most dog owners, they need to improvise to keep their dog safe just like this one in the picture.

Car Safety

Car Safety


Have a Merry Christmas

The holidays are all about love and family, but what about the dogs in the shelters that don’t have any? Well, it seems that it wasn’t only this man that got a beautiful Christmas present this year. The dog he was gifted as also been gifted with a family.

Have A Merry Christmas

Have A Merry Christmas


Big Boys

Some dog breeds are built more like horses than dogs. This is definitely the case for Cane Corso. He stands almost as tall as his human owner when he’s placed on his hind legs. However, just because he’s big doesn’t mean that he’s not adorable.

Big Boys

Big Boys


Smiles for Miles

This cute guy met his new dog mommy at an adoption event which was hosted by a rescue organization. This was just the first of many smiling pictures of the pair as they hit it off right away and have been inseparable ever since.

Smiles For Miles

Smiles For Miles


All Dogs Need Some Loving

Dogs come in all shapes, breeds, colors, and sizes, and this is no different for rescue dogs. This large doggo is gigantic and probably matches to his owner’s height when placed on his hind legs. Nonetheless, that didn’t stop this man from falling in love with the dog.

All Dogs Need Some Loving

All Dogs Need Some Loving


Smooches for the Pooches

This lady found her new pooch at a rescue shelter in her local area. It didn’t take too long before the pair were joint at the hip. This picture captured the first of many kisses. Isn’t it marvelous at how they found each other?

Smooches For The Pooches

Smooches For The Pooches


Staring Longingly

Some puppies just have the most adorable eyes that make you want to stare in them forever. This pup is no different as you could definitely stare longingly into those gorgeous brown eyes of her. Her eyes are so filled with love as she stares at her human dad.

Staring Longingly

Staring Longingly


Sleepy Doggo

This is Roxy, who, according to her owner, is usually very playful and full of energy. However, it seems like poor Roxy is worn out for today from playing with her friends. Apparently, Roxy has so many friends, so it’s understandable as to why she’s so tired.

Sleepy Doggo

Sleepy Doggo


Picking a Friend

This lovable little doggie got to go with to the shelter to pick out a new friend. The doggie parents decided that it was time to add a new addition to the family and knew that their new family member needed to be gentle because of their first dog, Zoe’s handicap.

Picking A Friend

Picking A Friend


A Pup Full of Happiness

It’s quite common for people to provide happiness to a shelter dog that’s had a terrible first owner. However, not many people know that these shelter dogs can also offer a large amount of happiness to their owners. This is definitely the case in this picture.

A Pup Full Of Happiness

A Pup Full Of Happiness


Hugs for the Huskies

There are not many things that are better than a big, lovable, fluffy dog. A perfect example of such a dog is a husky. All you really want to do is shower these dogs with hugs and kisses. This is exactly what this young girl did when she found out that this was her new dog.

Hugs For The Huskies

Hugs For The Huskies


Another Life

The life of this poor puppy is saddening. She was left out in the cold to starve by an owner that didn’t deserve her. She was later rescued and put into a new home with loving owners that treat her like royalty. They gave her another life.

Another Life

Another Life


Doggo Selfies

Taking selfies isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Nonetheless, there are many people that have no problem taking a selfie or two, and it looks as though this man is one of them, and so is his new dog. This was the pairs first of many selfies together.

Doggo Selfies

Doggo Selfies


Mischief Makers

Kids and puppies get on like a house on fire. This is especially the case for this mischievous pair. It seems as though they were trying to use their overwhelming load of cuteness to try and get a pre-bedtime snake. The pup is even licking his lips.

Mischief Makers

Mischief Makers


Another Smiling Pit

It seems that this list is home to a load of happy and smiling Pit bulls. With the overwhelming evidence found on this list, we can only assume that Pit bulls are so happy and full of life when they get put into loving homes.

Another Smiling Pit

Another Smiling Pit


Sleep Tight

When placed in the wild, dogs generally cuddle up to one another at night because it makes them feel safe. This could be the reason why this adorable doggo has cuddled his way into his owner’s arms as he tries to fall asleep.

Sleep Tight

Sleep Tight


Keeping Secrets

One of the many reasons that a dog is a man’s best friend could possibly be because they hold the ability to keep their owner’s secrets throughout the entirety of their lives. It’s no secret that dogs are incredibly loyal when shown love, and it seems that this pup is showing that loyalty.

Keeping Secrets

Keeping Secrets


The First of Many

This is another photo taken of a happy pair. This dog has just been adopted and brought to a new home. It seems as though he’s quite shocked at what’s just happened. We can only imagine the excitement he is feeling at this moment.

The First Of Many

The First Of Many


Misunderstood Breed

Bull Terriers are often misunderstood, just like Pit Bulls. The fact of the matter is that dogs become aggressive only when they are mistreated or mishandled. Bull Terriers (and Pit Bulls) are perfectly capable of being loving as long as they are treated properly. This lovely doggie is lucky to have found a loving home!

Misunderstood Breed

Misunderstood Breed


Rescued In Time

This little ball of joy was rescued from a puppy mill. Instead of being trapped in a cage, he was saved and you can see how happy he is now that he is being taken to his brand new home.

Rescued In Time

Rescued In Time


Rockabye Puppy

You can truly feel the joy emanating from this pup’s face now that he’s in the arms of his new loving mama. This picture is an absolute gem, and we’re so happy that this guy ended up at a happy and caring home.

Rockabye Puppy

Rockabye Puppy


Pure Joy

Rudy spent many years in the shelter and was constantly passed over when people chose younger dogs to adopt. However, when Gloria came to the shelter, she knew that Ruby was the dog for her. Gloria’s depression was significantly improved once she brought Ruby home, who brought some joy into the house.

Pure Joy

Pure Joy


Not A Fluke

This little guy’s name is Fluke, but his adoption story sure isn’t. He was rescued in 2017 and has been happy as a clam ever since. Though we don’t know what Fluke’s backstory is, we’re positive that he is much happier with his new humans.

Not A Fluke

Not A Fluke


Say Cheese

Look at the absolute look of joy on this puppy’s face! He was so happy when his momma picked him up and he couldn’t hold it back when they took their first selfie together.

Say Cheese

Say Cheese


Joyful Dance

There’s truly no explanation needed for this one: this dog was so thrilled that he was being adopted, he couldn’t help but do a little happy dance. He’s so thrilled and he just can’t wait to go to his new forever home.

Joyful Dance

Joyful Dance


Silent Joy

This little lady is deaf, so she’s gotten used to a tough life, including being abandoned by humans who no longer wanted to care for her. She was luckily found by this sweet little boy. He gave her a new name, Terabyte, and they’re a happy little family.

Silent Joy

Silent Joy


New Sibling

Can you believe how incredibly happy and at peace this pup looks in his new brother’s arms? This is seriously one of the most heartwarming photos we’ve ever seen. We know the new siblings will have an incredible life together.

New Sibling

New Sibling


Gotcher Nose!

This Goldendoodle is playfully nipping his new owner’s nose, and luckily his new owner is thrilled. This new friendship is certainly off to a hilarious and playful start!

Gotcher Nose!

Gotcher Nose!


So Much Fluff

There’s nothing quite like getting a huge hug from a fluffy ball of love, like this boy and his brand new pup. You can’t be mad or upset when you’ve got such a loving and fluffy embrace waiting for you at home.

So Much Fluff

So Much Fluff


Penny’s Going Home

Although she does seem a little nervous, you can tell that Penny is already comfortable with her new dad, as she’s fully leaning on him. Her dad shared: “We knew we had found the perfect little girl.” We hope these two have an amazing new life together.

Penny's Going Home

Penny’s Going Home


So Happy

This little guy is absolutely thrilled with his new living situation, as can be seen by this selfie that was taken on his first morning at his new home. Luckily for him, this is just the start of a beautiful new life.

So Happy

So Happy


So Happy Together

This picture just fills our hearts with joy. This little boy could not look happier holding his new puppy, and the pup looks so content in his new brother’s arms. Dogs are usually great with kids, so we know this friendship will last.

So Happy Together

So Happy Together


The Perfect Therapy Dog

The bond between these two is simply undeniable, don’t you agree? This therapy dog is thrilled to be teamed up with his new sister, and she is absolutely ecstatic as well. There’s nothing more heartwarming than such am embrance.

The Perfect Therapy Dog

The Perfect Therapy Dog


Love You My Dude

When Doug found Gonzo the Rottweiler, he knew that he had found his new buddy. Look at how incredible thrilled these two are to be together! Their adorable embrace perfectly captures their newfound friendship.

Love You My Dude

Love You My Dude


So Many Cuddles

Look at this tiny little pup who is in a pure state of joy in her new owner’s arms. We can’t imagine a happier expression on both puppy and human’s face. We’re not crying, you’re crying!

So Many Cuddles

So Many Cuddles


Chocolate Pup

This tiny Chocolate Lab puppy is so incredibly adorable that when his family saw him at an adoption event, they knew that immediately had to take him home. Who could possibly say no to this adorable little smush face?!

Chocolate Pup

Chocolate Pup


Stylish Girl

This girl was at an adoption event at a local pet store when her new humans saw her. They knew she was the one they were going to take home, and they immediately gave her some gifts, making her one of the most stylish pups at the store! Look how incredibly happy they all look.

Stylish Girl

Stylish Girl


We Swear She’s Excited!

This pup spent so much time at a shelter because so many people passed up on her due to her overly intense gaze. Luckily, this woman immediately fell in love with this adorable doggy and she knew she had to take her home.

We Swear She's Excited!

We Swear She’s Excited!