Navy SEAL Finally Takes Revenge On Porch Thieves

Published on March 16, 2023

A New Idea

Arthur dedicated himself to drawing draft after draft until he felt he had found the perfect solution. He ultimately decided to discard the idea of snares and opt for something more explosive. Scrapping his previous concept entirely, he began to develop a new idea by brainstorming and jotting down various options. Eventually, it occurred to him that he could rig the trap in such a way that nobody would be hurt. He set out to create a plan that would frighten the porch pirate while ensuring their safety.

A New Idea

A New Idea

Getting Supplies

Arthur carefully crafted a list of necessary supplies and headed to the hardware store to purchase everything required for his revenge box. As he exited the store, he couldn’t help but feel that the cashier was watching him closely. He considered the possibility that the cashier may have suspected his intentions, but ultimately he did not care about their perceptions. He knew that he did not owe anyone an explanation for his actions, and was content with allowing others to make their own assumptions, regardless of their accuracy.

Getting Supplies

Getting Supplies