Navy SEAL Finally Takes Revenge On Porch Thieves

Published on March 16, 2023

Not A Free For All

According to some people, anything outside of your house is fair game. However, this is completely untrue. If that were the case, then by the same logic, leaving your car parked in your driveway or having your outdoor furniture, decor, lights, and plants in your yard would also be fair game. A homeowner’s property includes anything within the territorial limits of their home, including front, back, and side lawns.

Not A Free For All

Not A Free For All

No Help From Authorities

Mostly, people online expressed their shared disdain for porch pirates, and their disappointment in how law enforcement authorities were not doing enough to address the issue. This left many people, such as Arthur and Christine, feeling like they had no other option but to take matters into their own hands and serve justice themselves. What course of action would you take?

No Help From Authorities

No Help From Authorities