The United States has 328.2 million people within, and they are all completely unique and different. However, everyone tends to group people together who have similar views, values, and opinions. Sometimes, this is done for those who live close together. Even though each one is their own person, those groups are what make the world.
These maps can show you many of the differences and groups out there. Plus, you can get a better estimate of how big your country truly is. The maps offer a totally different viewpoint for the red, white, and blue. Let’s get started!
Surprising Total Population
The areas on the map that are highlighted in red indicate places that have a total population that’s greater than the rest of the country combined, which is shown in gray. It’s crazy to think that more people are crammed into these red areas than elsewhere!
Mongolian Empire, 1279
Most people feel that the US is the center of the universe, but you must remember history. The region shown in orange was the full reach for the Mongolian Empire back in 1279. It spans a total landmass that’s larger than the United States!