This Is How The Ideal Female Body Type Has Changed Over The Last Century

Published on December 23, 2021

The Star-Spangled Girl Of The ‘40s

Owing to the Second World War, things dramatically changed once again in the 1940’s. The global war affected everything in Americans’ lives, including fashion. Now, broad shoulders and long limbs were desired. The “bullet” or “torpedo” bra also became popular during this time.

The Star Spangled Girl Of The ‘40s

The Star Spangled Girl Of The ‘40s

Betty Grable

Betty Grable was pretty much at the forefront of ideal women during the 1940’s. She was truly one of the most popular pin-up girls of the decade and it was not uncommon to see her photo in many a foot-locker of the military men of the time.

Betty Grable

Betty Grable