Casting Failures, Mess-ups, and Fumbles – The Many Issues Casting Directors Have

Published on January 2, 2023

Emma Stone – Allison Ng

In a sense, no one liked Aloha. Allison Ng is supposed to be Chinese-Hawaiian, and Stone is neither. Overall, that was the biggest criticism for the film. Still, it had other poor reviews and a general lack of interest to boot.

Emma Stone - Allison Ng 

Emma Stone – Allison Ng

Tilda Swinton – The Ancient One

Usually, The Ancient One is portrayed as Asian, but Hollywood whitewashing takes the stage again. However, Tilda Swinton claimed that the iteration of that character was of a Celtic woman and not an Asian man. It led to controversy, but most people were upset that an Asian actor wasn’t chosen for a powerful role.

Tilda Swinton - The Ancient One

Tilda Swinton – The Ancient One