Casting Failures, Mess-ups, and Fumbles – The Many Issues Casting Directors Have

Published on February 13, 2022

Topher Grace – Venom

The newest Spider-Man movie impressed many, and the others in the series didn’t do that bad. However, Spider-Man 3 could not keep up with the success because of Topher Grace as Venom. Though he played Eric on That 70’s Show well, he didn’t come across as the hulking, huge character he was supposed to play.

Topher Grace - Venom

Topher Grace – Venom

John Wayne – Genghis Khan

Overall, the Conqueror didn’t do well because John Wayne was an Iowan, and Mr. Khan was from Asia. While Wayne did well in the west, he wanted something new. Howard Hughes asked him to join this cast, but everything ended up going awry.

John Wayne - Genghis Khan

John Wayne – Genghis Khan