Bumper Stickers That Are Guaranteed to Make You Laugh

Published on December 7, 2020

An Excellent Insurance Policy

Honesty is the best policy, and in this case, it’s also the best insurance policy. If you’re struggling to spot the bumper sticker, it says, ‘Please don’t hit me. I’m not 100 percent certain about my insurance policy. Quite brilliant if you ask us!

An Excellent Insurance Policy

An Excellent Insurance Policy

A Demanding Bumper Sticker

With a bumper sticker that reads, “Don’t look at my bumper sticker,” how can we not? Don’t you know that the more you tell someone not to do something, they’re more inclined to do so. It also doesn’t help that you don’t have a bumper on your Lamborghini. Of course, people are going to stare!

A Demanding Bumper Sticker

A Demanding Bumper Sticker