Erin Langmaid is widely known for being an Australian model. However, she’s been making headlines worldwide for something other than her modeling career. Erin didn’t plan such attention or the event that caused these headlines, but what exactly happened to the model?

Receiving Criticism
After this event occurs, the Australian model received tremendous amounts of public backlash and criticism. Many people stated that Erin should have noticed the pre-warning signs that commonly lead up to the event that occurred in October. The public thought this story was fake.

Receiving Criticism
The Pre-Warning Signs
It’s no secret that the majority of pre-warning signs are quite obvious. However, this model didn’t receive any warnings or hints that indicated what was about to occur. She was met with a massive surprise that changed her life forever.

The Pre Warning Signs
A Life-Changing Experience
On October 29th, Erin spent her night feeling incredibly sick and eventually made her way to the bathroom. Although what she experienced wasn’t something uncommon, the circumstances that she was faced with was something scarce that not many people encounter.

A Life Changing Experience
A Romantic Evening
Erin, who lives in Melbourne, Australia, had just finished up a romantic evening with her boyfriend when she suddenly felt sick. However, the model didn’t think too much about this and brushed it off, as she believed it was from something she had eaten.

A Romantic Evening
Feeling Under the Weather
Although a few hours had passed, Erin didn’t feel very well. She kept tossing and turning when she was trying to sleep. This ultimately led to her going to the kitchen for a glass of water. She then tried to fall asleep once again.

Feeling Under The Weather
Nothing Helped
No matter what Erin did, nothing made her feel better. She decided that she wanted to get out of bed and head towards the bathroom. She was in the bathroom for a long time, and her boyfriend, Daniel, was getting nervous. That’s when things got interesting.

Nothing Helped
A Panic
After knocking on the bathroom door several times, Daniel started becoming increasingly worried. He could hear a lot of noise coming from the bathroom, which only made him more nervous. He started shouting to get her attention. What was happening?

A Panic
Busting the Door
Erin wasn’t responding to Daniel’s shouting in the beginning. However, she started screaming, and it sounded like the model was in immense pain. It was then when Daniel forced the door open and was shocked by what he saw on the other side of the doorframe.

Busting The Door
Completely Unexpected
As Daniel opened the door, she was met with Erin on the floor of the bathroom. It was evident that she was in extreme pain, as she was crying and screaming. Her boyfriend was in complete shock when he saw that Erin wasn’t the only one in the bathroom.

Completely Unexpected
Something Amazing
Erin had just given birth to a healthy baby while she was in the bathroom. Daniel was left speechless by what had just happened. He couldn’t believe that there was a baby in the bathroom, and it took him a while to realize what had just occurred.

Something Amazing
A Beautiful Girl
Erin told her boyfriend that it was a girl as tears started pouring from her cheeks. It didn’t take long for Daniel to rush towards his girlfriend and see that both Erin and the baby were okay. However, the couple looked down at their baby to notice something alarming.

A Beautiful Girl
An Emergency
It didn’t take the couple long before they realized that their newborn baby wasn’t breathing correctly, and she was starting to turn blue. Daniel and Erin quickly began to panic and rushed to call emergency services. Their baby needed help immediately.

An Emergency
Getting Help
Daniel quickly called for an ambulance and tried his hardest to remain calm. As the phone operator attempted to help the couple remotely, Daniel and Erin followed the commands given to them. While doing this, the ambulance was on its way.

Getting Help
They Didn’t Know
As the couple was getting help for their child, Daniel turned his attention to his girlfriend. The medics on the team were quick to ask the couple how many weeks Erin was pregnant. However, the pair didn’t know. They didn’t even know that Erin was pregnant.

They Didn’t Know
Welcoming Isla
After receiving the proper medical attention, Daniel and Erin were happy that the baby girl they welcomed into the world was happy and healthy. She was born at 37 weeks and weighed seven lbs. However, Erin was still shocked that she was even carrying a baby.

Welcoming Isla
No Cravings
After this event, Erin has gone on to mention that she didn’t see any signs of being pregnant. She didn’t have any morning sickness or cravings. She went on to state that she was on contraceptives and believed to have put some holiday season weight on, but being pregnant never crossed her mind.

No Cravings
No Baby Bump
No pictures present on her Instagram page showed that Erin had a baby bump. She maintained her petite size, and she perfectly fits into her size eight clothing while enjoying nights out. She felt great up until the evening that she ultimately gave birth to her daughter.

No Baby Bump
Her Instagram
Since the event, Erin has been keeping her Instagram followers updated by posting to her page. In this post, she described the event as being the most challenging week of her life and how her boyfriend was hers and her daughter’s rock. However, this wasn’t all.

Her Instagram
More on Social Media
At this time, the proud boyfriend and dad also took to social media. He posted a lengthy message about the incredible news. He stated that the newest member of the family lived in Erin’s tummy for nine months without letting them know.

More On Social Media
A Tough Start
There was more to Daniel’s post. He went on to mention that it was an extremely rough few days, but Erin and their baby are doing perfectly well. The support the couple received from their families was something that kept them going.

A Tough Start
He didn’t forget to add a beautiful tribute to his amazing girlfriend. He believed that her courage was something incredible. He finished off by stating that Erin was an amazing person who was going to be the best mother to their newborn baby.

Get the Tissues Ready
After the massive week that the little family had, Erin and Daniel are excited to see what great things they have coming their way. However, this wasn’t the only thing that the couple had to say. What they revealed next was truly heartwarming.

Get The Tissues Ready
Erin and Daniel were both nervous that their families weren’t going to support them or give them any assistance. This was because they were very young, and having a baby wasn’t something that they had planned. However, their thoughts were wrong.

Supportive Friends and Family
It didn’t matter what had happened. It was clear that Daniel and Erin were delighted to be parents. In addition to this, the friends and families of this couple were also extremely happy about the arrival and came together in preparation for the baby’s arrival in their home.

Supportive Friends And Family
An Update
After everything that has transpired, you might be wondering what the family is doing now. This event happened more than five months ago, and a lot has happened since that moment, which is why we’re going to fill you in with all the details.

An Update
Their Baby Girl
Erin has returned to her life as a model, and the couple still continues to share many posts and images with their adorable surprise on Facebook and Instagram. The couple looks to be in love with her baby girl, and we understand why.

Their Baby Girl
A Pampered Girl
At only five months old, Isla has already had her first spa treatment. Erin was excited to share her daughter’s first pamper day with her. The two spent the day at a facility where Isla indulged in an infant massage and hydrotherapy.

A Pampered Girl
Beach Days
Isla’s first day at the beach is something that could never be forgotten. Happiness is when you’re at the beach, and this definitely applies to Isla. From all the pictures taken, we can clearly see that the Carty family had an amazing day at the beach.

Beach Days
Their First Easter
Erin has shared an adorable photo on her Instagram that shows baby Isla enjoying her first Easter. In addition to this, it was also the first Easter that the family got to share together. It was a priceless moment for the entire family.

Their First Easter
Planning for the Future
The couple doesn’t have any plans to get married. Although Erin is seen dressed in a wedding gown, this is only for a photo shoot that she did. However, you never know what the future holds for this couple. At least, they can prepare for a wedding when they decide.

Planning For The Future
An Unbelievable Event
It’s not surprising that a full-term baby being undetected until delivery can be hard to believe. After being looked at in the hospital, it was later discovered that Erin had undergone a ‘cryptic’ pregnancy, which not many people know exists.

An Unbelievable Event
A Cryptic Pregnancy
Many people aren’t aware of what a cryptic pregnancy is. This can be described as a pregnancy that all conventional methods of identifying a pregnancy fail. One study shows that one in 2,50 women don’t know that they’re carrying a child until giving birth.

A Cryptic Pregnancy
The Labor Process
Many medical experts have said that cryptic pregnancies generally go undiscovered until the mother is 20 weeks pregnant. However, some women can learn that they’re pregnant when the baby is actually being delivered into the world. This is what happened with Erin.

The Labor Process
No Indicators
Unlike with a regular pregnancy, cryptic pregnancies are extremely hard to come by. However, it does happen more often than many doctors believe, as it’s challenging to identify if someone is undergoing a cryptic pregnancy. This is these women don’t experience the typical pregnancy symptoms.

No Indicators
The Risks
There are some evident risks that come with cryptic pregnancies. One of these is that the babies are generally underweight from a lack of prenatal care. This negatively impacts the baby’s development. However, this wasn’t the case for Isla, as she was perfectly healthy.

The Risks
Even More
Erin isn’t the first woman to undergo a cryptic pregnancy, and she likely isn’t the last. A woman from the US had a very similar situation in 2015. Her story is something that has shocked those who have heard it.

Even More
Meet Katie Kropas
Katie had gone to her local ER, as she was complaining about severe back pain. An hour later, she gave birth to a baby girl that weighed 10 lbs. After being placed in the hospital, it was revealed that she had a full-term baby in her stomach.

Meet Katie Kropas
The Factors
Medical professionals have gone on to note that there are a variety of factors that play a role in the formation of a cryptic pregnancy. Some women might encounter minimal symptoms and associated with the flu, while others might have irregular menstrual cycles. The cause behind this is still unclear.

The Factors
More Reasons
Stress and denial can also be a factor in a cryptic pregnancy. However, this is more complicated as some pregnancy tests can also show a false negative. This could be from taking the test too early or using diluted urine.

More Reasons