Things That Only Baby Boomers Think Are Still Cool

Published on June 30, 2021

Jell-O Desserts

Jell-o has always been a popular dessert option, but for some reason in the 60’s and 70’s it became popular to combine Jell-O with other ingredients. For example, Jell-O mold recipes like Jell-o salad were invented, and for the life of us we cannot understand why you would combine pineapple, lime flavored Jell-O, vinegar, onions, and peppers. Just why?

Jell O Desserts

Jell O Desserts


Encyclopedias are a fantastic source of information on a huge array of subjects and topics. The one problem with them is that they take up a huge amount of space due to the sheer amount of volumes that comprise an entire encyclopedia. Boomers still love to have physical copies, but younger generations prefer the online and digital versions instead.

