Things That Only Baby Boomers Think Are Still Cool

Published on June 30, 2021

Paper Bills

Paper bills are becoming less and less popular due to the rise of everything becoming digitized. A lot of younger people will pay for anything and everything with a credit card or Apple Pay, even if the item costs $0.99. It seems like only older people are hanging on to paper bills and paying with them, which makes sense because it is what they have used for the majority of their lives.

Paper Bills

Paper Bills


We’re not sure what it is about TV advertisement and infomercials, but they just do not appeal to generations other than Boomers. Most Millennials and Gen-Zers mock these over-the-top ads and marketing techniques and their ways to try to trick customers into thinking their products are less expensive than they are by offering 4 “low” payments of $19.95.

