Things That Only Baby Boomers Think Are Still Cool

Published on June 30, 2021

Fuzzy Toilet Seat Covers

This one we will simply never understand. Why people chose literal carpets as toilet seat covers will never make sense to us, but for some reason these were all the rage for a while. It seems like these are the least sanitary option for a toilet seat cover. Besides, they don’t even look good, so what is their point at all?

Fuzzy Toilet Seat Covers

Fuzzy Toilet Seat Covers


While records are also coming back into style, there’s no doubt that there are much more convenient ways to listen to music these days. The main issue with record players is the fact that they are not portable at all, and record collections end up taking a huge amount of space in the house. However, there is no denying that special sound that only records can provide.

