Animal Rescuers Were Shocked at Dog’s Reaction When They Tried to Help Her

Published on February 14, 2021
One of the most awful sights you can see is seeing an animal in pain. However, this is something that animal rescuers need to deal with on a daily basis. Many rescue groups place a tremendous amount of focus on the rescue and rehabilitation of stray animals. One of these reputable rescue organizations is Hope for Paws. This story all started when the animal rescuers at Hope for Paws got a call from someone who found a German Shepherd in the parking lot. Before continuing with this story, we suggest that you grab some tissues because this story is an emotional rollercoaster.

Under a Car

The day was quite gloomy when the team at Hope for Paws received a call about a stray dog. There was a German Shepherd that was found in a parking lot, and it seemed as though the dog was hiding under a car to avoid contact with humans.

Under A Car

Under A Car

Feeling Safe

One of the rescuers on the team was the first to approach the dog. Loreta knew that she needed to make the German Shepherd feel as safe as possible. In addition to this, it was also a protocol measure to ensure her own safety.

Feeling Safe

Feeling Safe



Loreta made her way to the dog and was shocked when the German Shepherd started crying. During the rescue, other members of the team took a video that they later posted on their YouTube channel, which shows the dog crying.




Calming Down

That’s when the rescuers decided to bring a cheeseburger to the dog. However, the dog didn’t seem too interested in the food, but it did stop the animal from crying as much as he did when they first arrived at the location.

Calming Down

Calming Down


The Mysterious Dog

The dog was a stranger to the rescuers, which made them very cautious of what she was capable of. Would the dog attack without any warning? Loreta was desperately trying to help the dog, but she knew that it was essential to behave cautiously.

The Mysterious Dog

The Mysterious Dog


The Game Plan

It’s no secret that you need to be careful and patient with a scared animal. The dog was massive, and this only increased the team’s concerns. They all understood that things could quickly get out of hand if the dog were to behave aggressively.

The Game Plan

The Game Plan


An Aggressive Nature

In most cases, a scared dog is likely to attack at any given time. It’s for this reason that any person approaching a fearful dog should be careful. Dogs, like most animals, are likely to attack if they feel threatened.

An Aggressive Nature

An Aggressive Nature


The Cheeseburger

It was by pure luck that the team had decided to bring a cheeseburger with them, as this was used as a brilliant tool to lure the hound out from underneath the car. However, the team would make it very strange that the dog didn’t come out from its hiding spot after displaying the cheeseburger.

The Cheeseburger

The Cheeseburger


Not Trusting

All of the rescuers concluded that the dog remaining under the car was a sign that she was terrified of the team. In their experience, any stray dog would make a run for food without any hesitation. However, the team hadn’t given up yet.

Not Trusting

Not Trusting


Trying Their Best

Loreta was trying to loop a lasso around the dog’s neck without scaring her. When she noticed that the dog was scared, she let the rope go. She hoped that she could build trust by doing this. The dog quickly bolted from underneath the car, which took the rescue in a new direction.

Trying Their Best

Trying Their Best


Her Safe Haven

The dog took off and made her way to an area between two buildings that were located behind the van. Another member from the team, Eldad, grabbed a net and placed it at the points of entry within this little space.

Her Safe Haven

Her Safe Haven


The Waiting Game

Eldad was posted at one of the exits while Loreta was waiting at the other. The entire rescue was recorded by Eldad on his phone. From this video, anyone could see that both of these rescuers were willing to do anything to help the stray dog.

The Waiting Game

The Waiting Game



The dog continued to whine and cry while in-between the two buildings. Loreta was still trying to coax the terrified dog out from her hiding spot. It was a horrible experience for everyone because the dog’s wails and cries were hard to hear.




A Calming Moment

The stray dog hung her ears low, which was taken by Loreta as an indication of how uncomfortable the dog felt. However, neither of the rescuers were in a rush to leave the poor dog. This gave her time to calm down.

A Calming Moment

A Calming Moment


Catching Her

After the dog finally calmed down, Loreta had zero problems putting the snare around the German Shepherd’s neck. The stray was still jittery, but she didn’t resist. Once they had successfully caught her, they planned to take her to the vet’s clinic.

Catching Her

Catching Her


As Gentle as Possible

Eldad and Loreta made sure to be a gentle as possible. The team did everything they could to coax the dog out of its hiding spot. They knew that they didn’t want to scare the dog any more than it already was. That’s why they leave her to move in her own time.

As Gentle As Possible

As Gentle As Possible



The team at Hope for Paws had the experience to know that they had to soothe and reassure the dog. It would have been more complicated if the dog got even more scared by the rescuers’ presence. It’s for this reason that they gave her words of encouragement.




Naming Her

In the end, the team decided to name her Rain. This was the perfect name for the German Shepherd, as they had found her on a rainy day. The team still had a while to go because the dog kept her tail between her legs the entire time, which was a sign of hesitation.

Naming Her

Naming Her


Tucking Her Tail

After coaxing Rain out of her new hiding spot, the team knew that this was only a small victory. The dog was still visibly petrified, as she was crying and quivering the entire time while the rescuers were around her. That’s why they had to be even more careful.

Tucking Her Tail

Tucking Her Tail


Making Progress

Eldad decided to add one more leash to the dog’s neck as a safety precaution. He petted Rain as he added this leash. The team hoped that this would let the poor dog know that she’s in good hands. She was finally placed in the team’s cage.

Making Progress

Making Progress


Still Frightened

When the team first saw Rain, she was utterly unsettled and scared. The difference they now saw was massive, which was reassuring for all team members. They were happy that she wasn’t crying or shaking, but she still yelped and whined every once in a while.

Still Frightened

Still Frightened



The Hope for Paws team was so happy when Rain let Eldad pet her head. This was a massive achievement for the team. Based on the dog’s body language, she still remained apprehensive and cautious, but she allowed them to help her.




Feeling Uneasy

Loreta and Eldad strolled to the team’s car. They could tell that Rain was fully cooperating with them for now, but they also understood that this could change at any minute. It was clear that she still didn’t trust Loreta and Eldad.

Feeling Uneasy

Feeling Uneasy


In the Cage

After much time of coaxing, the team was finally able to bring Rain to her cage. It took a while, but they finally did it. Once Rain was securely in her cage, the team was able to move onto the next step in their plan. This was heading to the clinic.

In The Cage

In The Cage


A Kind Face

Going back, let’s take a look at the person who involved the Hope for Paws team about the stray dog. Cary Linnell was considered for the dog’s safety and decided to call to get it to help. However, the dog ran into the woman’s arms once the team had caught her.

A Kind Face

A Kind Face


She Trusted Cary

The team could see that Rain was already familiar with Cary. It was also clear that the dog trusted the woman, which brought much relief to the team because Rain was now feeling a lot safer and protected with Cary near her.

She Trusted Cary

She Trusted Cary


Feeling Relieved

The team was happy with the dog’s reaction to Cary. However, they did wonder if Rain was showing the woman her gratitude. No matter the reason, the team was relieved to see her calmer and more relaxed with Cary by her side.

Feeling Relieved

Feeling Relieved


Going to be Alright

One thing that was clear was that Rain simply wanted assurance that she was going to be okay. This might have been because she had suffered at the hands of humans previously. This would be a plausible explanation for how scared she was.

Going To Be Alright

Going To Be Alright



After everything that the team had gone through with Rain, her reaction to the woman was utterly unexpected. However, this helped her remain comfortable while she was in the cage. She almost looked entirely calm at this point, which was a massive improvement.




At Ease

It was challenging to tell what had put Rain more at ease. It could have been the sight of the woman who called the team or the comfortable-looking pillows that lined the bottom of the cage. Nonetheless, the rescuers were happy with her mood.

At Ease

At Ease


No More Tears

After Rain was placed in the cage, she seemed visibly calmer. In fact, it was the most relaxed the team had seen her. She wasn’t whining or crying. This change was entirely unexpected but welcomed with open arms. She was like a different dog.

No More Tears

No More Tears


Already Improving

After looking at Rain once again, Loreta was sure that the dog was smiling. Not to mention, she was wagging her tail as well. It seemed that Rain knew she was in good hands now. This brought great happiness to the team.

Already Improving

Already Improving


A Curious Dog

As the team moved her cage into the vehicle, she looked noticeably curious about where she was being placed. She was definitely curious about her surroundings. In addition to this, she was also a lot calmer than she had been when she was outside of the cage.

A Curious Dog

A Curious Dog


A Bath and a Burger

After the team has placed Rain in the cage, she was able to eat the cheeseburger they had initially been brought with her. The dog was ecstatic to have the food, which was shown by her tail wagging. It was clear that she was very comfortable.

A Bath And A Burger

A Bath And A Burger


Like a Brand-New Dog

Once Rain was tested and groomed, it began to look like a new chapter for the pooch. There’s no doubt that Rain deserved to live with a family that loves and cares for her. She had already gone through more than she needed to, which is why she needed the right home.

Like A Brand New Dog

Like A Brand New Dog


Getting the Attention

It was challenging to believe that Rain was the same dog from when the rescuers first caught sight of the stray dog. She had changed entirely. She was a loving and caring dog that loved the attention and lots of cuddles.

Getting The Attention

Getting The Attention


Her First Time

It was evident that it was Rain’s first time going to a doggy spa. Eldad and Loreta could tell that she loved every minute of her time. By the end of her doggy spa treatment, Rain looked like a different dog, which was heart-warming.

Her First Time

Her First Time



Before anything else, Rain needed to relearn what it was like to be with humans. Her previous experience wasn’t going to benefit her when it came time to put her in a forever home. That’s why the team did everything they could.




Sweet and Cuddling

Rain is now seen as being one of the most loving dogs that the team at Hope for Paws has ever rescued. The way into Rain’s heart is definitely through tons and tons of cuddles. She can’t get enough! Her improvement is something truly remarkable.

Sweet And Cuddling

Sweet And Cuddling


The Right Place

After the way that Rain reacted to the rescuers, it was clear that she wasn’t put in the right home. This definitely had a huge impact in the way that she behaves. However, thanks to the rescuers, she is now in the right place and where she belongs.

The Right Place

The Right Place


Another Heartbreaking Story

More often than not, abandoned dogs end up in bad condition, which makes it harder for them to be adopted to a forever home. This poor pup, Winter, was rescued and moved into a shelter. Shortly after, she became known as the least adoptable dog there. She had no idea what was waiting for her.

Another Heartbreaking Story

Another Heartbreaking Story


The State She Was In

Winter was taken to BARCS, the Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter in Maryland. The shelter’s spokesperson shared: “She was in there with no food, water or fresh air for a week. Winter had been eating the drywall.” The rescuers at the shelter didn’t know “whether that was because she was starving hungry, or as an attempt to escape.”

The State She Was In

The State She Was In


Getting Her Healthy Again

Winter was already an older dog and her breed is often considered “scary” for a lot of people. Regardless of the fact that rescuing her would cost a lot of resources and time, the shelter did not think twice about helping her out. BARCS took her in and made sure she was nursed back to health.

Getting Her Healthy Again

Getting Her Healthy Again


Part Of A Puppy Mill

It became apparent to the rescue team that Winter was most likely part of a puppy mill, where she was used for breeding. Since she is a beautiful pure breed pit bull, she was likely placed in inhumane conditions and used to have as many puppies as possible.

Part Of A Puppy Mill

Part Of A Puppy Mill


Low Hanging Belly

It was clear from Winter’s low hanging belly that she had gone through many pregnancies. It was a sad reminder of everything she had been through and the fact that she was abandoned. It also meant potential owners coming in to look at her were turned off. The shelter wasn’t feeling optimistic about finding her a home.

Low Hanging Belly

Low Hanging Belly


Passed Up

The shelter shared that “due to her age, her belly is not something that will ever tighten up. Female dogs with such characteristics are often passed by in our shelter.” Winter was already six years old, which comes out to 42 human years. As it goes, older dogs at shelters tend to be passed over frequently.

Passed Up

Passed Up


Mistreated Breeds

Pit bulls have frequently been mistreated and used for puppy mills and dog fighting rings. NFL quarterback Michael Vick was given 21 months in prison for running a dog fighting ring. Unfortunately, many NFL players do not have a great track record when it comes to dogs.

Mistreated Breeds

Mistreated Breeds


Bad Reputation

Another side effect of pit bulls being used for dog fighting so frequently is that they have started to have a reputation for being aggressive and unfriendly dogs. Pit bulls who are treated well and given love and naturally friendly, loyal, and loving.

Bad Reputation

Bad Reputation


Winter’s Post

Despite having all odds stacked against her, Winter was eventually adopted! BARCS shared her “Happy Tail” of adoption on a Facebook post that read: “Beautiful Winter is a dog who has spent most of her six years of life falling into sad, unfortunate situations. She was found on a vacant property, on a hot day with no electricity, or open windows. She was dehydrated and extremely frightened. Winter has a long, hanging belly, most likely a result of over breeding–something we see far too often at our shelter.”

Winter's Post

Winter’s Post


A Special Visit

In June 2016, BARCS was visited by someone special. Two NFL players showed up with one of the player’s girlfriends. The two men looked intimidating at first to those who did not know who they are football players, but employees softened up when one of the players said: “We are looking for a dog that’s been here a long time and maybe not-so-adoptable.”

A Special Visit

A Special Visit


The Players

The NFL players who showed up were Ronnie Stanley, who plays as an offensive tackle for the Baltimore Ravens, along with her girlfriend Emily, as well as fellow NFL rookie Alex Lewis. The employees at the shelter were thrilled that the crew were looking for a dog that was specifically “less desirable” by most people looking to adopt.

The Players

The Players


Unadoptable Or Not

As Ronnie took a look at all of the “unadoptable” dogs, he noticed one dog that caught her eye. He looked right past all of those “undesirable” qualities that bothered other people. BARCS shared: “Female dogs with such characteristics are often passed by in our shelter, but not by Ronnie!”

Unadoptable Or Not

Unadoptable Or Not


Taking Her Home

Even though the shelter’s employees told Ronnie about her low hanging belly, that did not deter him. His response was:  “Well, that’s just what happens when you’ve had babies.” Stanley never wavered from his initial criteria of looking for a dog that was considered “unadoptable.”

Taking Her Home

Taking Her Home


An Instant Connection

In an episode of Animal Planet’s Stars to the Rescue, Ronnie shared: “To be able to help a dog in need. I always had planned on doing. Some of my teammates, I told them I was looking to adopt a dog and BARCS was the place they suggested.” Winter immediately warmed up to Ronnie, running up to him and licking his face affectionately. He immediately enrolled in the adoption course and took Winter home.

An Instant Connection

An Instant Connection


Adoption Role Model

BARCS Facebook post shared: “We are so proud to have amazing guys like Ronnie to be role models to the kids in our city. Not only does his single act of kindness make adoption cool, but it makes giving love to an imperfectly perfect dog a ‘manly’ thing to do.”

Adoption Role Model

Adoption Role Model


The Teammate

Alex Lewis was the teammate who joined Stanley at the shelter that day. He did not end up adopting a dog that day, but he was no stranger to shelter animals. Lewis worked volunteered at an animal shelter while in college. He later then volunteered at BARCS while Stanley was enrolled in the adoption course.

The Teammate

The Teammate


A New Season

Although Winter now had a new owner, her past was still present. Stanley decided it was time for a fresh start, so he gave her a new name: Lola. He shared: “I sought after one of their older dogs that probably wasn’t going to get adopted. Just like I got drafted by the Ravens, I wanted Lola to have that same feeling of being wanted when I adopted her.”

A New Season

A New Season


Remaining Issues

Unfortunately, Lola was still suffering from post traumatic stress disorder, and Stanley was well aware of this. He makes sure to do everything he can to help her work through her issues and felt that his mission was to help make her feel safe. With plenty of love and affection from Stanley, Lola was on the road to recovery.

Remaining Issues

Remaining Issues


A Happy Family

While Lola’s situation has gotten better, Stanley knows and accepts the fact that she may never be fully well-adjusted after everything she’s been through. He’s very okay with that, and even adopted a second dog from BARCS, named Zappa. He renamed him Rico, and the three are a happy and loving little family.

A Happy Family

A Happy Family


Adoption Champion

Ever since Stanley and Lola’s story went viral, Stanley has made sure to spread awareness about adopting shelter dogs. He shared: “If you’re thinking about getting a dog, definitely go to the shelter first. I think rescue dogs are more appreciative.” Stanley participates in fundraisers and organizations like Pawjet Runway that help aid animals in need.

Adoption Champion

Adoption Champion