Understanding the Overlooked Amish Culture

Published on November 3, 2022

Most people understand the basic facts about Amish people, but they’re unfamiliar with most of it. For example, you’ve probably heard that they dress differently to set themselves apart from non-Amish folks and keep to themselves. However, this is a group of traditionalist Christians who have a very fascinating history that dates back to Switzerland in the 1600s.

The United States has a large concentration of Amish in Pennsylvania, and they’re often called Pennsylvania Dutch. This is in reference to where they’ve chosen to live and the language they speak amongst themselves. Continue reading to learn more about the culture, traditions, and history.

No Car

There were two divisions originating in Switzerland. The ones who followed Jakob Ammann became part of the Old Order Amish (Amish), but the second group was called Amish Mennonites. The latter can use motor vehicles, but the Old Order Amish only uses horse-and-buggy setups.

No Car

No Car

The Beards

Amish men use long and trimmed beards to symbolize manhood and marital status, but they also use them for humility. Interestingly, they can’t grow mustaches because those have been associated with the military, and Amish men can’t join such forces.

The Beards

The Beards